“An absolutely wonderful engineer! Barak took the time to listen to my ideas and understand what I was going for musically. Highly recommended. 11/10!”

Brendan, Dean the Dream

“Over the past three years, we’ve worked in a few studios in Berlin and paid over a thousand euros to get a good sound. None of them, however, got us sounding as good as Barak did.

He blew our minds. In short, he’s the only person outside of our band who cares about our sound as much as we do”

Nate, The Hidden Keys

“Barak managed to capture my sound very well, also he applied his own creative skills in terms of synth-patterns laid on my singer-songwriter sound. It all turned out great and motivated me, to become a better producer myself. I’m definitely up for recording with Barak again!”

Wouter Maryne

“Barak has such a keen ear. He helped me figure out my band’s sound so well, we now have a better idea of how we want to sound in the future (production wise as well as live) so in a way you could say that he forecasted our sound!”

Ben, Disgusting Beauty

“Barak is a hardworking and caring producer. He’s been on top of every challenge in the making of this record. Barak is a ‘Mixhead’ – he would never say anything was perfect, but would not stop until we were pleased.”

Theo, Soft Casino